Sometimes we take for granted some of the systems our RV’s use to make our camping or living conditions better. The Liquid Propane (LP) system powers our furnace for warmth, our water heater for hot water, and our cooking ranges/stoves/grills for those delicious meals. However, LP is a very combustible gas that can be very dangerous if not use safely. There are many safety features installed in RV’s to keep this dangerous gas in check and keep us away from danger. But, we must do our do diligence to ensure we check these safety devices and LP system components. LP/CO detectors should be checked periodically and replaced after 6 years of service life (date of manufacture). LP cylinders must be inspected and re-certified after 10 years from date of manufacture. LP connections and lines must be checked periodically to ensure they are not cracked, dry rotting, or damaged. We highly recommend to have the LP system leak checked every year to ensure that a dangerous situation is being created by a LP leak. Sometimes the most dangerous problems lay hidden from our view, and we must take proactive precautions to find these hidden dangers and have them corrected. Happy RVing Y’all.